下面介绍几种Android 版本的FTP Server :
Virtual Data Line is a software that you can manage files of the phone on you pc without data line . Phone files can be copied to a computer and computer files can copied to the phone. With this software you will not be afraid do not take the data line. As long as the place where have wifi network, you can easily manage your files on you pc.
This project used FTP server from another Android open source project: SwiFTP. You can find more about this FTP server at:
Virtual Data Line t for Android is released under GNU General Public License v3. We recommended you to start your own project based on our source code but you must make your project based on GNU too.
虚拟数据线 简而言之就是不再需要数据线就可以在电脑上管理手机上的文件。 可以将手机文件复制到电脑 也可以将电脑文件复制到手机,总之通过数据线所拥有的文件管理功能都可以通过该软件来代替。 有了这款软件 你就不要怕没带数据线了。只要你所在的地方有wifi网络,即可在自己的pc上方便的管理你的文件。 2.0版本新增功能 1.可以设置访问密码,完全保护你的隐私 2.完全解决汉中文文件名的文件复制到手机上时的bug。 3.新增用户问题和建议反馈功能,随时解决用户使用中遇到的问题。
About SwiFTP
SwiFTP is a FTP server that runs on the Android platform. It emphasizes simplicity, ease of use, and small size. It is now considered "stable," meaning that things should work quite well. If you run in to any problems, please report them and they will be fixed.
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